And the Underdog Wins..... again!
Every person came to this world with a purpose. A purpose they are meant to seek and fulfill. I found mine after looking for many years. I decided that I would play a game in which I would emerge a winner. As I was planning on participating in this game I didn't anticipate defeat. The world wasn't very supportive but I was determined to be a part of it. The reason I wanted to be a part of this was that I wanted to belong, belong to someplace. Someplace where I would own the stage. Someplace where I would be the best. Someplace where I would set an example.
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Photo by Dominik Martin on Unsplash |
Unsure of rules, I played once, twice, thrice and many more times... only to lose! My heart was shattered. I thought maybe I am in the wrong field! Maybe this isn't where I belong. I felt the judgemental stares as I left the ground. I doubted myself... I thought of giving up. How could I go back now after coming this far? I looked back at my journey filled with failures, I teared up. This was not what I planned. I cried more and sank in deeper into the abyss of darkness. I couldn't find my way out of this mess no matter how hard I tried. I almost gave up...
A very wise person once said Time is the best healer. It is true for both physical and mental wounds. Defeat goes straight to the heart and then spreads to the brain like malignant cancer. However, with time I started feeling better. I wasn't feeling so disarranged from my body anymore. I strived to make myself better. I reflected on my feelings and they were in abundance. I understood that the only way up from this rock bottom is finding myself and forgiving myself. Though I tried to blame the external factors and outside forces for my defeat, I knew that deep down I was blaming myself. I blamed myself for loosing! I blamed myself for making a mess of my life. I blamed myself for not achieving the goals that were so important to me. At that moment I had an epiphany. In order to get my life sorted, in order to win, to achieve my goals, I have to let go of my past. Our past is like a shadow and it never really leaves our side but we can make it shorter and unnoticeable like its noon. The only way to coexist with this shadow was to forgive me. For loosing, for letting me down. So, I forgave, for my own best.
Now, what is the next step? The hustle, to get back on the ground, to fight and fall, fight again and fall again. I don't know the outcome, maybe I will lose again but this time I won't take so long to get up and start fighting again. I practiced, worked twice as hard, started getting better day...
I got back in the game, gave my best shot, flung my best kick, delivered the winning stroke and as I laid on the ground with my eyes closed, I heard someone say;
"She did it. She won. The underdog wins.. again!"
Familiar with this plot? Seen it in a movie before? Or maybe even in real life? In a football match? This must have definitely happened in a book you read sometimes. Happens often to the people we idolize the most.
The underdog always wins.
Every story has its underdog moment, be it a dreamy fairytale like Cinderella or real-life entrepreneurs who inspire us.
I don't know about you, but my favorite underdog moment is when a crippled man with an IQ of 70 runs like a thunder and aces everything he does. I am talking about Forrest Gump. I know its just a movie but, come on, can you for a dumb second just stop with the skepticism and appreciate him like a real person. It makes me want to believe that every stroke can be the winning one.
Is it the judgment and the negative energy that drives them to victory? I beg to differ. The only thing that negative energy gives us is stress and shock. Is it sheer luck? Well, can just luck make you the richest man on the planet? I don't think so. It is the hard work, perseverance and patience that makes you a winner.
The hard work is not overrated and can't be substituted with dumb luck or motivational speeches.
Now I want you to imagine how it feels to taste a win like that. Imagine every dubious eye that silently said, "you can never be the winner." Imagine the constant support of that soul who stood by you no matter what the world thought beaming with pride. In the end, my friend you emerge victoriously! It is like meditating, isn't it?
Has this ever happened with you?
Not yet? Don't bother, me neither.
But you know what, your goal no matter how big or small is as important as winning a tournament or training to become the Dragon Warrior (Cue, Kungfu Panda). These little goals define you and make you strong enough to achieve those unachievable goals. If you stop devaluing your little goals, you can feel like an underdog daily!
Yesterday, I did 10 burpees. Today I did 11. Time to pat the back! As long as you strive to become better than who you were yesterday; you are no less than the winner themselves!
In the closing I want to say, Get up, Dress up and Show up but never Give up and you will emerge victorious in this game called life...
Loved the line "Get up, Dress up and Show up but never Give up"