Healing is a process. Recovering from any trauma, physical or mental takes time. I wouldn't say that I underwent it but I would say I nearly missed it by a few inches. Being anxious all my life, I started reflecting upon it deeply in the past year because it was becoming a little too hard to handle. While the world still considers the problems of the mind are a bit too fancy to discuss, I believe that the importance of a healthy mind is very eloquently presented in great books by great writers from the time immemorial. I believe that there are four elements to healing; The body, The heart, The mind, and The soul. Although my beliefs aren't in any way new or unique, I tried to present them in a way I could the best.
I always used to say that I want to move to the mountains and live in peace but peace can also be brought to metro cities if you try.
I wrote what came first to my heart and I hope you can resonate with it and like it.
when you treat your body
like the holy grail it is,
it rewards you
with strength,
peace and confidence,
strength to never give up,
peace of the mind and the soul, and
the confidence to be truly You!
they say heartbreaks hurt,
and every bit of it is true,
but they never said
what follows is wonderful too.
Moving on.........
I say, feels like a day
on the beach, with a cold breeze
gushing through your cheeks,
and a glass of lemonade
as tranquil as the sea
guzzling through your teeth,
the waves being quiet
your mind being quieter,
with a pinch of salt in the lemonade
and a pinch of nirvana in you!
the mind is my home
hung on its wall, framed
are the memories of times
that was good and bad;
yet I open the windows to my soul
welcoming new experiences
which might bring sorrow
or joy, who knows,
because as they say
an empty mind is a devil's home

The soul, âme, ruh, the self
sounds beautiful in every dialect;
somehow I have no words to describe this phrase
as I have yet to encounter this phase,
perhaps it's just seen in a philosopher's citation
or in a wandering dervish's imagination
I wonder what happens beyond this phase
an explosion or implosion or
Maybe that's how the stars are made..
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